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Food Shelf & Community Meals

Here at the Fairfield Community Center, we've been feeding folks for over 30 years, one way or another! Whether it's a visit to the Food Shelf,  the need for a hot meal and socialization at a Tuesday Lunch, or you want to join us for a pizza night at the wood-fired oven, we're here to provide good healthy food, served up with a smile and locally sourced whenever possible. 


The Fairfield Food Shelf

located at 124 School Street in East Fairfield is open every Tuesday from 12:30-5 p.m., and every 2nd Friday of the month from 10-Noon. Please call ahead if you plan to come on Friday. 


Food deliveries are available on Tuesdays to homebound individuals. If you are in need of food assistance and are unable to visit our food shelf, don't hesitate to call the number above to arrange an appointment or a delivery. 

If you have questions, or have items you'd like to donate to the Food Shelf, please don’t hesitate to call us. Also, if you have a few hours a month during which you'd like to volunteer, we need your help in the food shelf, with food deliveries, and with food pick up at area grocery stores. Give us a call! 


Community Meals

Community Lunches are held weekly on Tuesdays right after Bone Building class, and are located in the main dining room at the Center. (124 School Street in East Fairfield) The meal is served at 12:30. Sunni Tipper has really been showing off her talents as a professional, creative, chef (Sunni graduated from Johnson & Wales with a degree in pastry making.) Meals are healthy, colorful, and by all accounts, imaginative and delicious! 

Meals are provided free of charge, but a $5.00 donation is greatly appreciated.


Aside from great food, we also have lots of fun visiting with friends & neighbors and celebrating life through lively conversation, birthday & holiday parties, and of course singing along with our own little house band! 


Here's something fun! On the 3rd Wednesday of each month, chef Sunni  creates a unique take-home-and-heat meal so you can have a break from cooking. These delicious meals tend to sell out quickly, so reservations are essential! The cost is $15/meal with all proceeds going to the Center. Call 

802-827-3130 to order. 


Our Community Garden

is always growing and changing, helping to supply the Food Shelf and meal programs with fresh veggies throughout the summer and fall. During camp, the garden doubles as an outdoor classroom - teaching kids to plant, water, weed and harvest - essential lifeskills to last a lifetime! You may have noticed that we're re-doing the garden area to the west of the building. New raised bed, a garden shed and landscaping around the pavilion are all in the plans for this summer! 

If you have an interest in gardening, and a little time to spare, please give Julie or Megan a call or just stop by. Pull a few weeds, take home a zucchini, help out at a summer pizza night, or just sit down for half an hour and smell the flowers. It's a lovely place!

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Fairfield Community Center

124 School Street, Box 16

East Fairfield, VT 05448


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